This guide is under development and is likely to change.
- python version
- last-updated
Oct 17, 2024
The team uses the following files to configure, setup and install our python packages. This guide assumes a repo created with the Templates project or using the sqr-bot jr create a repo functionality.
requires = ["setuptools>=45", "setuptools-scm[toml]>=6.2"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "ts-{name}"
description = "{name} is a Commandable SAL Component for the `Vera C. Rubin Observatory <>`_."
license = { text = "GPL" }
classifiers = [ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3" ]
dependencies = ["pymodbus"]
readme = "README.rst"
urls = { documentation = "https://ts-{name}", source_code = "{name}"}
dynamic = ["version"]
version = { attr = "setuptools_scm.get_version" }
where = [ "python" ]
run_{name} = "lsst.ts.{name}:run_{name}"
write_to = "python/lsst/ts/{name}/"
write_to_template = """
# Generated by setuptools_scm
__all__ = ["__version__"]
__version__ = "{version}"
asyncio_mode = "auto"
dev = ["documenteer[pipelines]"]
import setuptools
import setuptools_scm
Style Guide#
The team uses the following tools to enforce the style guide.
- black
An opinionated autoformatter.
- isort
An opinionated import sorter.
- flake8
A style checker with many different plugins to enforce different rules.
- check-yaml
Checks yaml files for proper format.
- check-xml
Checks xml files for proper format.
- mypy
Performs type checking on the code (optional).
There are several other optional style guide tools as well. This is enforced by a tool called pre-commit.